As a tractor owner, you may be wondering if your homeowners insurance covers your tractor. Do you need additional tractor insurance? The answer isn’t a simple yes or no—it depends on how your tractor is used and what kind of coverage your policy provides. Let’s explore the details of tractor insurance in Tennessee.
It’s important to understand that tractor insurance may not automatically be included in your homeowners policy or may have significant limitations. Carefully review your insurance policy terms and speak with your agent to determine how coverage applies to your specific situation. Keep in mind that this blog post provides general information—your individual coverage may vary.
Tractors come in all shapes, sizes, and brands—John Deere, Massey Ferguson, Kubota, New Holland, Mahindra, and more. Your home policy covers your personal property, but it generally excludes vehicles. So, is a tractor considered a vehicle?
Vehicles are typically excluded from homeowners insurance except when they are used exclusively for maintaining your premises. This means if your tractor meets the following criteria, it may be covered:
It is used only to maintain your property.
It is 100% personally used (not used for business or farming for profit).
The value of the tractor is less than 10% of your total personal property coverage limit.
It is not used on public roads.
If all of the above apply, then yes—your homeowners insurance should cover your tractor. It would typically fall under your personal property coverage and be subject to your homeowners insurance deductible.
The type of homeowners insurance policy you have determines what types of losses would be covered for your tractor:
HO-3 Policy (Most Common): This policy only covers personal property for named perils—specific risks listed in your policy. If your tractor falls off a trailer, for example, that’s likely not covered because “falling off a trailer” isn’t a named peril.
HO-5 Policy (Broader Coverage): This policy covers personal property for all perils except those explicitly excluded. If your tractor falls off a trailer, it would likely be covered since it’s not specifically excluded.
If your tractor doesn’t meet all the criteria above, you should talk to your insurance agent about scheduling the tractor under your policy or obtaining a separate tractor insurance policy.
If you want broader protection for your tractor, consider Hutsenpiller Insurance’s tractor insurance offering. This policy is designed specifically for compact tractors and provides coverage beyond what a standard homeowners policy offers.
The answer is: Maybe.
It all comes down to how you use your tractor and what kind of homeowners policy you have. If you’re unsure, the best step is to speak with your insurance agent to ensure you have the right coverage for your situation.