Update on Our Furry Friends
So what’s happened since? Since launching our Hutsenpiller Animal Adoption Fund, we have covered over 35 adoption fees! In just these 3 short months, we have been able to help cover this cost for so many families and help so many animals become a part of their forever home. Each person that has adopted in these past 3 months, you have made such a huge difference in your dog’s life, and we are so blessed to have helped be a part of that journey with you. If you are even hesitant about thinking about adopting, don’t be. This will be such a great journey for you and your future furry friend.

This company is all for giving back to the community and helping these local places in our own backyard. This is such a big help to all of the families that we have aided so far and we will be more than welcome to open you and your family with open arms for the adoption process. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us, or go to Mount Juliet Animal Shelter directly for more assistance!